NBA Pick and Kick Review 12/5/17

Let's take a look at how I did today.

Ick. Man, was I wrong or what.

As far as my team went, T.J. Warren continued the trend of DFS stars getting ejected from games. He wasn't playing very well to being with, getting tossed was just the cherry on top. PG13 also didn't have a good fantasy game. He only had 3 boards and 1 helper while committing 6 turnovers, all well off season marks. I really wasted good games from Ibaka, Booker, and Westbrook this week.

The Raptors never ran away with it as I was hoping, never getting a big enough lead to sit the starters. That limited VanFleet to his usual 20ish minutes and he just missed hitting value. Missed only by .5 point. Still, like last week, barely missing is still missing.

I'm not proud how badly I missed the Donovan Mitchell call. Not only did he shoot well (31 pts), he also had 5 steals to put him over the top. Any game where you pick a player that gets 5 steals/blocks a game on FanDuel will generally pay off.

I don't like seeing that percentage get that low. Try to do better tomorrow, Newb!
