NBA Pick and Kick Review 11/30/17

Today wasn't as good as yesterday. We didn't make it into the money today, as we had a dud in Covington that held us back.

Covington was the 9th man I picked tonight. I had my reservation for picking him, as he was going up against the best defense in BOS. This is where I really don't know what to do. Is it better to use all of your available salary to to get someone that is projected higher points in a bad matchup or choose a player, like Tatum, who was projected less but have a better matchup and leave like $1200 of your salary left.

Pick and Kick

My pick and kick were both correct, but just barely. Collins had a great first quarter, but got into foul trouble and didn't play a whole lot afterwards. He managed to get value before he left the game in the forth quarter with an injury. Giannis had a good all around game, raking up a bunch of steals and blocks. He finished just 2.7 fantasy points short of hitting value. But barely hitting value is still hitting value, and missing barely missing value is still missing value. I remain perfect so far. Tomorrow, we do football for the weekend. Until then...
